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Copyright and Acts which not deemed as Copyright Infringement

    Copyright is one of the branches of intellectual property accepted universally after the TRIPS [Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ] agreement 1994. Its rules and regulations control and formulated by world intellectual property organisation. MEANING OF COPYRIGHT.. [ HEREINAFTER MENTIONED AS C.R ]   C.R based on the concept of the original creation of the work in the field of artistic, literary, cinematography, software programming, photographic works. It also includes the alteration work of the copyright registered work, validate under the purview of ‘flavour of the creativity doctrine’. These are the subject matters of CR (a) original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works; (b) cinematograph films (c) sound recording [d] software programme [e] photographic work [f] designs, graphs and maps. Example music created by the composer, he is the creator also having the right to get a copyright for his work. Same it is applicable to director of movie and autho



The Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion Ordinance, 2020 has been issued by the Uttar Pradesh governor anandibhen patel on the recommendations of UP govt. Intention of the state is to curb the new arose issue in the society named as ‘love jihad’. The term love jihad not mentioned in any  legislation.  Jihad is a Islamic term which means the conversion of religion of spouse  through marriage by concealing own religion or by personating himself as  a follower of any particular religion. After the case of nikita tomar case of Faridabad. Matter of love jihad expressly comes into lime light in Indian media. However many groups active in UP, RAJASTHAN ND MP to avoid love jihad prior to nikita tomar case. This ordinance envisage procedure for conversion which includes the role of district administrators into it. To check and verify the conversion of religion whether done by willful consent or not. Ordinance also introduce the meaning of Unlawful conversion.

Unlawful conversion

Unlawful conversion means the conversion against the law of land [UP]. SECTION 3 of the ordinance puts obligations upon the people of up state to not convert or abet the conversion of religion of any other person by personating, misrepresentation, force, undue influence, allurement or by any fraudulent means. Force include threat of injury[ criminal force under 350 IPC]. ‘fraudulent means’ mean by impersonation or by making false character or name. undue influence means use of unconscious power over another person. Provided that person who converts religion to his own prior religion shall not be deemed as conversion.

Any aggrieved person, his/her brother , sister , parents or any person relating to him by adoption or blood, marriage can lodge first information report to the police. Also can complaint to magistrate under the circumstances of non lodging of FIR by police.

Punishment under ordinance for unlawful conversion.

1.      Any person who converts other religion  considered as unlawful conversion under section 3 shall be liable to imprisonment for not less than one year which may extend to 5 years and also liable to fine which shall not be less than  fifteen thousand.

2.      In case of a minor or a women belonging to sc/st, person shall be liable for imprisonment not less than two years which may extend to ten years or fine which shall not be less than twenty thousand.

3. In case of mass conversion, punishment upto ten years or fine of fifty thousand. Mass conversion under ordinance means conversion of two or more person.

44. Court also empowers to direct to pay compensation to victim of amount not exceeding five lakh excluding fine.

Jurisdiction under ordinance.

1.      Offence under ordinance cognizable and non bailable subjected to the provisions of criminal procedure code. Exclusively triable by court of session.

2.  Marriages done only for the purpose of unlawful conversion shall be liable to void by  family court. Petition for declaring marriage void required.

Procedure to convert religion lawfully under ordinance.

Ordinance sought three verification forms which is essential to fill by the person who converts his/her religion or covertor and submission before the district magistrate.

1.      Person who wants to converts his/her religion. They have to fill the form no.1  of schedule one stating that the conversion process is going to done by him with consent without any force, undue influence. Form shall be submit to district magistrate or additional district magistrate before the sixty days of conversion.

2.     Convertor [ father, kamkandi, maulvi, mulla] shall submit the form no.2 of schedule no.1  before the DM, ADM. Before one months stating about thje conversion is going to happen.

3.     Converted person shall send declaration form no.3 of schedule one to DM within 60 days stating about personal details. Converted person have to appear before the DM after the expiration of 21 days to prove his/her identity.

Burden of proof.

Burden of proof to prove unlawful conversion shall be upon the person who caused to conversion or who aid in conversion. Victim relaxed from the burden of proof.


Ordinance applicable upon every person of UP irrespective of their religion and district. Not only applicable to muslim men but on every men irrespective of religion. Ordinance envisage the principle of uniform civil code/lawForms required to validate the conversion is for the removal of doubt of unlawful conversion. Ordinance sought the procedure that the police official shall after the declaration of conversion, formally investigate about the convesion to check the conversion valid or not. defrauding someone by concealing its identity or impersonation is already criminalize under penal code. In love jihad cases consent of the victim gained by the impersonation, fraud or undue influence makes the marriage void ab initio. Similar in the cases where consent of the women gained by making false promise to marry her in future is amount to rape verdicted by the honourable supreme court in ANURAG SONI V/S STATE OF CHHATISGARH 629 OF 2019, SC. Because of absence of consent for sex and in fake promise consent is obtained by fraud.




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