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Copyright and Acts which not deemed as Copyright Infringement

    Copyright is one of the branches of intellectual property accepted universally after the TRIPS [Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ] agreement 1994. Its rules and regulations control and formulated by world intellectual property organisation. MEANING OF COPYRIGHT.. [ HEREINAFTER MENTIONED AS C.R ]   C.R based on the concept of the original creation of the work in the field of artistic, literary, cinematography, software programming, photographic works. It also includes the alteration work of the copyright registered work, validate under the purview of ‘flavour of the creativity doctrine’. These are the subject matters of CR (a) original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works; (b) cinematograph films (c) sound recording [d] software programme [e] photographic work [f] designs, graphs and maps. Example music created by the composer, he is the creator also having the right to get a copyright for his work. Same it is applicable to director of movie and autho


Is Denoting or harassing a person regarding to its caste a punishable offence ? why denoting a person as upper caste is not a crime as like in denoting a person as a lower caste person ?


Article 15 in our constitution states that state shall not discriminate any person according to his caste , sex, religion and place of birth and
No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liability, restriction or condition with regard to
(a) access to shops, public restaurants, hotels and palaces of public entertainment; or
(b) the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads and places of public resort maintained wholly or partly out of State funds or dedicated to the use of the general public

In the case of violation of article 15 , we can approach to supreme court under article 32 and high court under article 226 , only when there is such discrimination is by the state not by ordinary person . in a common man language ‘state ‘ means a government , government authorities like municipal corporation and legislation of central ‘parliament’ and in state ;’state legislation’.

Article 17 clearly states that untouchability is abolished any type of discrimination relating to untouchability is an offence. Under article 17 , any type of discrimination we can approach to court as well as police for the enforcement of article 17.

The provisions of SC/ST Act and Rules can be divided into three different categories, covering a variety of issues related to atrocities against SC/ST people and their position in society.

• The first category contains provisions of criminal law. It establishes criminal liability for a number of specifically defined atrocities, and extends the scope of certain categories of penalizations given in the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

• The second category contains provisions for relief and compensation for victims of atrocities.

• The third category contains provisions that establish special authorities for the implementation and monitoring of the Act.
Defining 'atrocity'

The term 'atrocity' was not defined until this Act was passed by the Parliament in 1989. In legal parlance, the Act understands the term to mean an offence punishable under sections 3(1) and 3(2).

In specific terms:
1. Atrocity is “an expression commonly used to refer to crimes against Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) in India”.

2. It “denotes the quality of being shockingly cruel and inhumane, whereas the term 'crime' relates to an act punishable by law”.

3. It implies “any offence under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) committed against SCs by non-SC persons, or against STs by non-ST persons. Caste consideration as a motive is not necessary to make such an offence in case of atrocity”.

The Act lists 22 offences relating to various patterns of behaviours inflicting criminal offences for shattering the self-respect and esteem of SCs and STs, denial of economic, democratic and social rights, discrimination, exploitation and abuse of the legal process, etc.[13]

History of caste system in india

In india the caste system is prevailing over 4500 years. Manusmriti is the first ancient document written in sansktit language which is more complex than any other ancient document. In manusmriti the fist ever caste system is mention , which results in today’s caste system. In manusmriti , we can know about the society and social mechanism at that time. According to manusmriti there was a division of caste system according to their work. In manusmriti ‘brahmins’ consider as the head of the brahma , ‘kshatriyas’ as the bold shoulders of thr brahma, ‘vaishyas’ as the lim of the brahma , ‘shudras as the feet of brahma.

These four cateogories of caste cateogrised according to their work. Brahmins duty to read novels , do holy works , speaking holy chants , commencing worship. Kshatriyas duty to rule kingdom , protect society , welfare of society. Vaishyas role in farming , trading , production . shudras duty to work for above three groups . the fifts and most discriminated caste was ‘dalits’ . who performs work like disposing dead body of animals and making products from dead animals skin. They knowns as ‘chamra- kaar’ . lateron this words evolve into word ‘ chamaar’ . we can used class 12 history book 1 , chapter 3 as a reference where above is mentioned.

Present situation
The caste system which was inference by manusmriti is same prevalent in modern india. The subcastes added to these major castes like division of Brahmins in various sub castes accordin to their ‘gotra’.
In modern india , we consider shudras and dalit as a lowercaste but this consideration wrong. The caste system in India is old model and no reference in modern days. But the reservation system in our constitution provides help to schedule caste and schedule tribe. We need to abolish these reservation system and create a new conscience in every individual mind that the ‘caste is only for the glory of own customs , rituals not to harass or discriminate others.

Determining a person as a upper caste is not a crime because that person not offend. But if we denote person as a lower caste he obviously offend and it is a crime . The reason is that the conscience developed in our mind to react awkward with the schedule caste and schedule tribe. this is wrong and against the humanity. In the modern lime light discriminating a person according to his caste is an act of shame.

Acc to the theory of jusctice by john rawls. In his theory , he consider as the social liberty is the most important liberty than any other justice

Golden words.......
“Indifferentism is the worst kind of disease that can affect people.”
― Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar,


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