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Copyright and Acts which not deemed as Copyright Infringement

    Copyright is one of the branches of intellectual property accepted universally after the TRIPS [Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ] agreement 1994. Its rules and regulations control and formulated by world intellectual property organisation. MEANING OF COPYRIGHT.. [ HEREINAFTER MENTIONED AS C.R ]   C.R based on the concept of the original creation of the work in the field of artistic, literary, cinematography, software programming, photographic works. It also includes the alteration work of the copyright registered work, validate under the purview of ‘flavour of the creativity doctrine’. These are the subject matters of CR (a) original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works; (b) cinematograph films (c) sound recording [d] software programme [e] photographic work [f] designs, graphs and maps. Example music created by the composer, he is the creator also having the right to get a copyright for his work. Same it is applicable to director of movie and autho


In how much limit to do justice kill someone is valid and true? [lynching]


फर्क नहीं पड़ता हिंदू था या मुसलमान था,जुल्म जिस पर हुआ वो बेचारा तो एक इंसान था। ज़हर भर चुका है उन मस्तिष्कों में जिनका आधार कभी संस्कृति हुआ करती थी । दूसरों की विपदा दूर करने वाले संत वे , आज उन्ही पे विपदा आन पड़ी ।

Lynching is an act of extrajudicial killing to do justice by killing the offender who do injustice or an offence. The question arises here is that , to do justice without any authority to kill by civillians someone only on the assumption , without investigation report , conclusive evidence is valid?

Mob lynching meaning……..

When above mentioned act done by a group of people is said to be mob lynchingThe term lynch law refers to a self-constituted court that imposes sentence on a person without due process of law.
Both terms are derived from the name of Charles Lynch (1736–96), a Virginia planter and justice of the peace who, during the American Revolution, headed an irregular court formed to punish loyalists.

Vigilante justice has been practiced in many countries under unsettled conditions whenever informally organized groups have attempted to supplement or replace legal procedure or to fill the void where institutional justice did not yet exist.
Such conditions commonly give rise to acts of genocide. Statistics of reported lynching in the United States indicate that, between 1882 and 1951, 4,730 persons were lynched, of whom 1,293 were white and 3,437 were black. Lynching continued to be associated with U.S. racial unrest during the 1950s and ’60s, when civil rights workers and advocates were threatened and in some cases killed by mobs.

Mob lynching in india….

In the case of dadri , uttar Pradesh 2015. Where highly politics were played over a religion for many purposes. This case was blot upon humanity and the fraternity of india. In india . it is considered that ‘an ekta mein ekta’. The 2015 Dadri mob lynching refers to case of mob lynching in which a mob of villagers attacked the home of 52 year old Muslim man Mohammed Akhlaq, killing him, for suspicion of slaughtering a cow. The mob consisting of local villagers, attacked Akhlaq's house with sticks, bricks and knives, saying that they suspected of him stealing and slaughtering a cow calf. 52-year-old Mohammad Akhlaq Saifi (Ikhlaq according to some sources) died in the attack, and his son, 22-year-old Danish, was seriously injured. Later an Indian court found prima facie evidence of meat that may have been either mutton or beef, and ordered registration of a first information report against the slain Mohammed Akhlaq.Later it was proved by a forensic lab in Mathura that it was cow meat. The then state government changed the original report and concluded that he was not storing beef for consumption.

But in the end upon a petition , judicial magistrate Vijay Kumar at the Surajpur district court issued direction under section 156 (3) criminal procedure court , on a petition filed by a Bisara resident against murdered Mohammad Ikhlaq and his kin . In the final conclusion of a government based laboratory , it was held that meat was of cow.

In recent palghar case. Two saints was killed by the mob. The reason for killing is under investigation.

Punishment for lynching……

Section 302 [punishment for murder]. Indian penal code
Lynchers shall be liable for the punishment for imprisonment for life or death penalty.

Sec 307 [attempt to murder] Indian penal code
If the death was not caused, lynchers shall be liable for punishment under sec 207 of Indian penal code for either description for a term which may extend to 10 year or shall be liable to fine.

Sec 34 [common intention] Indian penal code
Every person indulge in the act of lynching shall be liable for the same punishment irrespective of their individual act at the commission of lynching.
Example… the person who kill or the person who provide the weapon or the person who caught the offender victim . each of them shall be liable for same punishment.

120A , 120B [criminal conspiracy] Indian penal code
If the lynching done with the full fledged intention with pre planning. All the persons indulge in conspiracy to commit lynching shall be liable for criminal conspiracy. In the cases of death, punishment shall be of rigorous imprisonment for 2 years.

Other charges of offence under Indian penal code
charges under Sections 147 (rioting), 148 (rioting with deadly weapon), 149 (unlawful assembly

in any way the intention of lynchers is to do justice by killing the assumed offender is also a crime. Killing of assumed is also against the principle of natural justice like audi alteram partem by authority[ chance of a party to be heard ] , nemo judex non causa sua [ no one can be judge in his own case]. Our tradition doesnot promote violation in any mean and the very bad and blot upo fraternity among communities is that the lynching takes a shape od discommunal harmony. Which having a maximum chances to turn into a riot.
Thank you. #lawinroutine➽


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